Announce Your Candidacy

Surpass JD and MBA graduates in your career search by announcing your candidacy for the CRA (Chartered Regulatory Analyst)  to recruiters and employers.

Your Curriculum Advisor and the Career Placement Platform stand ready to aid in your successful employment search.

Part of a successful search strategy includes announcing your candidacy through social media platforms used by executive search firms, staffing organizations, and employers such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social media sites.

After your surname, use the following:

  • Your Name, CRA (Chartered Regulatory Analyst) (expected date)
  • Your Name, CRA (expected date)
  • Your Name, Chartered Regulatory Analyst (expected date)

As a candidate, when computing the “expected date” you should conservatively project when you will complete all of the requirements associated with receiving the CRA (Chartered Regulatory Analyst) license.

For LinkedIn use the “Certifications” section of your Profile to display your CRA (Chartered Regulatory Analyst).

The following posting instructions will help you to finalize posting your CRA designation on LinkedIn

  1. Select the Certifications section from the list to the right of your profile (or scroll down to see it)
  2. Select + Add
  3. Certification Name: CRA (Chartered Regulatory Analyst)
  4. Certification Authority: Regulatory Compliance Association
  5. License Number: Enter your assigned license number
  6. Certification URL:
  7. Dates: Select the month and year in which you received your license or your properly computed “expected date”
  8. Select Save

For your Twitter handle, you may use, allowing for character limitations:

  • YourNameCRA
  • YourNameCharteredRegulatoryAnalyst
  • YourName CRA (CharteredRegulatoryAnalyst)

You may Tweet about your license or candidacy.

Terms and Conditions

Tuition Fees and Payments (hereinafter referenced as Fees):

Please make checks or money orders payable to the “Regulatory Compliance Association”.

Fees for ALL curricula and sessions are non-refundable.

Should you register for a curriculum or session, and experience a conflict, the RCA will provide you with a 50% refund you may apply to any on-demand service.

Cancellations and Substitutions:

For reasons beyond our control, it may be necessary to alter the programmatic content, timing or date of a curriculum or session, as well as members of the speaking faculty or guest lecturers. Therefore, the speaking faculty, guest lecturers, curriculum and sessions (including the timing and date thereof) are subject to change without notice.

Force Major Event

In observance of the above, in the case of a Force Major Event (Act of God) or an unforeseen occurrence beyond our control, the RCA shall endeavor to reschedule the respective curriculum or session.  Please note that the RCA, its affiliate law schools, Endowing Organizations, speaking faculty, guest lecturers, directors, officers, nor personnel accept responsibility for the above or travel and/or accommodation cost or consequential losses incurred by prospective student, delegate or the like as a result of any such cancellation or rescheduling.